engine-blackjack - implement blackjack game into your software.

  1. Node Js Blackjack Tool
  2. Node Js Blackjack Tutorial
  3. Node Js Blackjack Server
  4. Node Js Blackjack Games
  5. Node Js Blackjack Game
  1. Learn how to build a playable Blackjack web based application from scratch! Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript this course will show you how to create a game from scratch. One of the best ways to learn how to use JavaScript is to apply it to projects. This course show you the steps and process from a blank file to building out the entire game.
  2. How to set up your very own repository of Node.js modules with Blackjack and version control. The script performs all the necessary commands through Node.js module childprocess.

Available game parameters

There are many possible configuration. We are implementing Standard and Custom optionsso that you can easily combine flags to create games according with your skill/needs.

Standard variations

JavaScript is primarily for web browsers with some exceptions (like node.js). Unless your using node, you won't be able to get user input using the console. Instead of using console.log('New Hand: ' + handValue) use.

  • number of decks, default is 1
  • standOnSoft17, turn On/Off the 'Soft 17' rule, default true
  • double, ability to double after deal, default any
    • none not allowed
    • any any allowed
    • 9or10
    • 9or10or11
    • 9thru15
  • split, On/Off the possibility to split after deal, default true
  • doubleAfterSplit, On/Off the possibility to double after split (split and double must be 'on'), default true
  • surrender, on/off the ability to surrender after deal, default true
  • insurance, on/off the ability of ensuring a hand, default true

Custom variations

There are many variations of this game and I really do not know them all, but if you ask me I will add them.Here a list of direct (and maybe exotic) requests:

  • showdownAfterAceSplit, after the deal and if player receives 2 aces and a split is called, a card is dealt on each side and showdown phase is initialized (the game ends) default true but it depends on split.


If you are using npm, to get the last version:

  • yarn add engine-blackjack
  • npm install engine-blackjack

I'm currently publishing the master branch into NPM until I get the first tag.Ideally, only tagged commits will be uploaded as NPM after that moment.

NOTE: Master branch is under development. Be sure to 'ONLY' use tagged version for your production.

Quick Start

Once obtained the library just requireGame and actions.

At this point you can initialize a new game by calling the Game constructor.

Creating a new game

In this cases, no state is passed to the constructor:

  1. the default state is loaded into game
  2. game is ready to dispatch actions to alter the state

Getting current state

At any moment we can require the current state of the game by calling the getState().

The content of the state and its schema depends on the stage of the game. In this casewe initialized the game without any precedent state, so we will receive something like this:

For the moment the only thing we should note is that the fieldstage tells us 'game is ready'.

Dispatching actions

The only way to mutate the state of the game is to dispatch actions. Some actions are required by the 'user',some other actions are dispatched by the engine to 'complete' the game.

NOTE: In a real game, players and dealer are allowed to 'do actions'. The engine will 'impersonate the dealer' at some point, depending on the last action and the state.

Project Structure

Guidelines that I follow

Inspired by projects done by people I consider smart, like Flux or Redux,and motivated by the desire to introduce the functional paradigm in my work day:

  1. platform agnostic (if you can run Node, you are ok. Node can run everywhere)
  2. zero-dependencies (only dev-dependencies)
  3. TDD, break every single game action to be testable
  4. Implement everything that makes sense (and described in WikipediA)
Node js blackjack tutorial

Everything you need to hack is of course inside /src or /test andnpm test does what you expect (plus a lot of console.log for the moment)


see the /src/actions.js

Engine exposes actions, once invoked, the state of the game is changed.The following list represent the actions that can be dispatched by from the public API.

  • restore
  • deal
  • insurance
  • double
  • split
  • hit
  • stand

Node Js Blackjack Tool

And, those are actions that are internally called in determinate stages by the engine itself.

  • showdown
  • dealerHit
  • invalid


See the /src/game.js

The stage represent a moment in the game. The stage is directly related with the action allowed in that particular moment.

Current available stages are:

  • ready
  • player-turn-left
  • player-turn-right (optional)
  • showdown
  • dealer-turn
  • done


The game logic is implemented into /src/engine.js. There some more methods, strictly related to the tests and for the moment are not tested (who test the test is not yet solved).There is a specific design limitation currently in the code. Currently it support only 2 position, user can 'split' but it is not possible at the moment to create more complex variants of the game.

NOTE: If you are interested in the random components, check out the shuffle() function.


Run tests by calling yarn test or npm test

You can also write specific test cases using this syntax. For more details have a look at game.spec.js

Jest will care about the following tasks:

  • create a new game
  • initialize it by injecting ♠10 ♦1 ♥5 ♣6 ♠11 ♦10 at the and of the deck
  • run the desired restore, deal, split and finally standR (stand on right)
  • return the current state
  • compare if stage is 'done' at the end

If you specify the finalWin the test will compare the final winning.

Node Js Blackjack Tutorial

Side Bets

Side bets are part of the 'multi-game strategy'. They are returned to the client as 'available bets' and they can be sets in the deal()payload.Engine will calculate the side bet result during the deal()

engine-blackjackCopyright (C) 2016 Marco Casula

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modifyit under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published bythe Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See theGNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License alongwith this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

Node Js Blackjack Server

Thanks @webpty for logos

Node Js Blackjack Games

Blackjack is a multiplayer online game that enthuses all kinds of gaming communities across the world. The main goal of the Blackjack game players is to score more than the dealer or to beat them.

AIS Technolabs is a leading Blackjack game development company with a successful track record. We develop our Blackjack software in such a way that the players have to play with two cards facing up or down simultaneously. It also has a provision where the players can choose different tables based on their capacity.

Our best Blackjack software has a user-friendly interface that provides a great game playing experience. We use modern tools and technologies like HTML, PHP, and JavaScript for developing the most exclusive Blackjack gaming application. Not only that, but we also provide solutions for CSGO Blackjack software. In our Blackjack game software, the players can play the game using their CSGO skins.

Our main emphasis is on quality, and we always guarantee our customers the highest quality products. The Blackjack game software developed by us can be accessible across Android, iOS, and the windows. We incorporate the unique features in our produced Blackjack game using the latest technologies.

Unique Aspects Of Our

Blackjack Source Code

For Exciting Gameplay

Node Js Blackjack Game

Our comprehensive Blackjack source code helps us to satisfy the exact needs of the customer. In our Blackjack game development process, we take care of every aspect of user experience, which makes the application best. The individual players can play across any device using their registered id. We are having an experienced team of developers who produce the most advanced forms of Blackjack game. Below are some of the unique aspects of our developed solutions:

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