Additionally, mega-ships operate more efficient with annual savings of approx. — $ 50 per slot. Compared to a 16,000 TEU vessel, a mega-ship with 19,000 TEU would save close to 1 million USD. But according to the OECD, the real savings are on fuel bills because mega-ships consume less fuel on a voyage then 16,000 TEU vessels.

Empty 40-foot-containers are currently in short supply – more than ever before. Nico Hecker and Christian Halgmann from Hapag-Lloyd´s Container Steering department explain why now it is particularly important that everyone at Hapag-Lloyd works closely together. Even unconventional measures need to be considered.

The supply of empty containers is under enormous pressure and reflects a historic challenge our entire industry is facing. The unprecedented speed with which the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted economic developments becomes clear in a conversation with Nico Hecker and Christian Halgmann from Container Steering. We are sitting in front of the container utilization chart of the 40-foot container fleet and see a very clear “V”-shape in the development curve. “From the third quarter onwards, things really started to get challenging,” says Nico Hecker, Director Global Container Logistics. While the demand in the second quarter was extremely low and we were searching for strategic and cheap storage places for containers, the demand for equipment has now increased tremendously. Hard to believe that in early July 600,000 TEU of 40’ containers were “empty on ground” And today? “The 350,000 TEU sitting on ground are hardly covering 2 weeks of global export volumes – ”.

A “Black Swan” has appeared
“We are currently seeing a ‘black swan’ and are experiencing the strongest increase in 40’ demand following one of the strongest decreases in demand ever. Both happening within just 6 months. Almost 3 out of 4 containers in our 40-foot fleet are currently deployed in Customer Shipments and is therefore not available for the time being. The containers must be returned to China as quickly as possible to be equipped for an expected strong fourth quarter”, explains Hecker.

The maps and tables below show 2019 international container shipping rates & costs for moves originating in the US, UK, Canada and Australia. You can jump to the relevant section using the following links: US, UK, Canada, Australia, 20ft vs 40ft Containers, LCL vs FCL, Land Freight, Sea Freight. Giant Lock Box has 20' and 40' Open Sided Shipping Containers for sale with full open-sided container doors. Open sided storage containers are a good alternative for customers that need special access to load and empty their containers from the side. Bay – a space in the ship that can hold containers, container ships has several bays, these bays are divided into two parts: on-deck and under-deck (hold). If the bay number is odd it is suitable for 20 feet containers, if the bay number is even it is suitable for 40 feet containers. There are even reports of ships vessel bunching off the West Coast, essentially waiting for a slot to open at the port so they can drop anchor and unload merchandise. The surge is leading to an increase in rolled containers and caused c arriers to prioritize getting empty containers back to Asia quickly, instead of those containing exported.

“Considering this enormous and unprecedented pressure, optimizing container utilization and availability is not a task for one department but a task for the entire company,” he continues. “We all have to exchange ideas and decide which businesses we want to push primarily.” Do we deliberately want to transport empty containers instead of cargo to speed up availability in Asia? Will our customers accept it if we transport their cargo in other container types? The development mainly affects the 40-foot standard high-cube container. This container is mostly booked for consumer goods. And it is now in higher demand than ever before.

Lucky us: Hapag-Lloyd started planning early
“We were the first mover in 2020 by placing an order for 91,000 TEU new HL branded containers in January already for production from March to July. In addition, 80,000 TEU were leased in March, even though the expected increase did not yet become apparent in April, as many countries outside Asia went into lockdown. Supported by our leasing partners involved, we have delayed the pick-up of the containers to the 3rd Quarter creating a competitive advantage”, says Christian Halgmann, Director Container Procurement. “These very containers helped us a lot in the third quarter when it came to buffering the current rush in the market,” says Nico Hecker. With the return of normality, business developed particularly positively in the third quarter. But the ships leaving China are not returning at the same time to the same extent. “The leasing market for new and used containers in Asia, Europe and other demand Areas is basically empty,” continues Halgmann. “Currently the demand for new containers is exceeding the production capacity by far, resulting in lead times for newly built containers until end of Q1/2021. This applies for own production as well as for leased containers. Fortunately, in September we could secure some leasing volume to be delivered prior to Chinese New Year 2021 to support our customers.”

Rethinking and staying flexible: What is crucial now?
The current situation makes it particularly clear that the shortage of empty equipment is affecting all areas of Hapag-Lloyd already today. Once the containers are empty, they must be refilled as quickly as possible. Currently, we are doing that 25 percent faster than usual. Every container counts! And in order to manage this optimally, colleagues from all departments have to do their part, be that Trade Management, Network, Operations, and Commercial teams. Together they take unconventional paths for Hapag-Lloyd’s customers. For example, 40-foot reefer containers that have been switched off (so-called Non-Operated-Reefers) are filled with dry goods like textiles, shoes, or electronics to Reefer demand locations. 20-foot containers and 45-foot containers will likely be the next types offered as a substitute for 40-foot containers, to take advantage of all containers that we have.

44 vessels deployed to move empty containers
Whether High Cube or Reefer: Bringing empty containers and open space on our ships towards Asia together is one of the critical success factors. Container Logistics and Slot Control Team in all Regions are working closely together to make sure no slot remains unused. “30,000 TEU of empty containers are lifted towards Asia week-by-week, with a strong push for more,” says Nico Hecker. “When we don’t succeed in meeting evacuation demand, we are chartering extra ships to get the empty containers to their destination. This is not cheap and at this moment a limited option – as charter vessels are extremely scarce as well.” Since the beginning of this year, we moved 164,000 TEU of empty containers on 44 vessels, which were deployed for empty loader voyages.

“Every area globally has to tighten their belts and working on a smaller safety buffer,” says Nico Hecker. “We have to reduce empty idle times even further and shorten loading times, which means that the container is only available for exporters seven to eight days before the ship arrives. Better availability of containers is THE competitive advantage in this prevailing market environment. All teams involved are aware of it and that is what drives us.”

Mid or medium slots or are a category of module slot found on ships in EVE. Generally, mid slots contain activatable modules that may assist in tackling, propulsion, or generally improve the ships behavior. Shield tanking modules occupy mid slots. Some mid slot modules share purposes with low slots, but the details of their use differ.

This page is a collection of all the types of modules that use mid slots.


These modules will restore capacitor energy.

  • Capacitor Batteries
Passive module which increases total capacitor (and subsequently capacitor recharge rate, which is a percent of to total capacitor).
  • Capacitor Boosters
Active module which replenishes capacitor while expanding Cap Boosters.
  • Capacitor Rechargers
Passive module which increases capacitor recharge time.

Boosters are generally preferred for PvP ships since they work well against capacitor neutralizing. For your exact needs, experimenting a fitting tool will show which will serve you best.Compare to engineering rigs and low slot capacitor modules.

Damage application supplements

These modules will increase the ability to damage ships, though not necessarily the amount of damage dealt.

  • Missile Guidance Computers
Active module which increases explosion radius, explosion velocity, missile flight time and missile velocity. Can be scripted to prefer one sort of bonus over another.
  • Tracking Computers
Active module which increases optimal range, falloff range, and tracking speed. Can be scripted to prefer one sort of bonus over another.
  • Tracking Links
Active module which increases the optimal range, falloff range, and tracking speed of an allied ship. Can be scripted to prefer one sort of bonus over another.

Compare to missile and turret rigs and low slot damage application modules

Drone supplements

These modules will increase the performance of drones.

  • Omnidirectional Tracking Links
Active module which increases the optimal range, falloff range, and tracking speed of drones. Can be scripted to prefer one sort of bonus over another. Also improves range, explosion radius and explosion velocity for carrier fighters.
  • Drone Navigation Computers
Active module which increases the microwarpdrive speed of drones, and the speed of carrier fighters. This is the speed when they are flying larger distances, not when they are orbiting and attacking a target.

Compare to low slot drone modules.


These modules can mess with enemy ships ability to damage you, or increase the ability of your own ships to damage them. See EWAR Guide for more details on these modules.

  • Electronic Counter Measures (ECM)
Active module which can break an enemy ship's locks and prevent them from locking new targets. Comes in 5 varieties, one for each sensor type and one multispectrum module.
  • ECM Bursts
Active module which performs an area of effect ECM attack against all ships around the activating ship.
  • Sensor Boosters
Active module which increases targeting range, scan resolution, and sensor strength. Can be scripted to favor one of these bonuses over another.
  • Remote Sensor Boosters
Active module which increases the targeting range, scan resolution, and sensor strength of an allied ship. Can be scripted to favor one of these bonuses over another.
  • Remote Sensor Dampeners
Active module which decreases the targeting range and scan resolution of an enemy ship. Can be scripted to favor one of these effects over another.
  • Target Painters
Active module which increases the signature radius of an enemy ship, making them easier to apply damage to.

Container Ships Losing Containers

  • Tracking Disruptors
Active module which decreases the range and tracking speed of the turrets on an enemy ship. Can be scripted to favor one of these effects over another.
  • Guidance Disruptors
Active module which decreases the explosion radius, explosion velocity, missile flight time and missile velocity of the missile launchers on an enemy ship. Can be scripted to favor one of these effects over another.
  • Target Spectrum Breaker
Active module which performs an ECM attack against all ships targeting the activating ship. The jam strength of this module is increased by the number of ships targeting the activating ship. Can only be fitted to battleships. See Target Spectrum Breaker.


These modules are the primary ways to increase a ship's velocity. For more information see Propulsion equipment.

  • Afterburners
Active module which increases velocity.
  • Microwarpdrives
Active module which greatly increases velocity while increasing signature radius by 500% and consuming a significant amount of capacitor.
  • Micro Jump Drives
Active module which, after a spool up time of 12 seconds, instantly teleports the ship 100km in the direction it is facing. Comes in battleship and battlecruiser sizes.
  • Micro Jump Field Generators
Active module which, after a spool up time of 9 seconds, instantly teleports the ship and all nearby non-capital ships 100km in the direction it is facing. Can only be fit to Command Destroyers.


These modules provide information about things around you, or allow you to hack.

  • Cargo Scanners
Active module which gives you information about what is in the cargohold of the targeted ship.
  • Ship Scanners
Active module which gives you information about the fitting of the targeted ship.
  • Survey Scanners
Active module which gives you information about surrounding asteroids.
  • Data Analyzers
Active module which allows you to hack containers in data sites.
  • Relic Analyzers
Active module which allows you to hack containers in relic sites.
  • Integrated Analyzers
Container ship slots free
Active module which allows you to hack both data and relic containers, but has less coherence than the dedicated analyzers.

Scanning Upgrades

These modules improve the ability to use scanning probes.

  • Scan Acquisition Array
Passive module which decreases scan time of scan probes.
  • Scan Pinpointing Array
Passive module which decreases scan deviation of scan probes.
  • Scan Rangefinding Array
Passive module which increases scan strength of scan probes.

Shield tanking

Main article: Shield Tanking

These modules will restore, extend, or increase the resistance of your shields. Finding a proper balance between shield extenders, shield hardeners, and shield rechargers is essential for a passive shield tank.

  • Shield Boosters
Active module which restores shields.
Variation: Ancillary Shield Boosters
Active module that can be loaded with Cap Boosters to very efficiently repair shields, but with a long reload time.
  • Shield Boost Amplifiers
Passive module which increases the amount restored by Shield Boosters.
  • Shield Rechargers
Passive module which increase shield regeneration.

Container Ship Lost In Hurricane

  • Shield Extenders
Passive module which increases shield hit points while increasing signature radius.
  • Shield Hardeners
Active module which increases shield resistances a great deal while using capacitor. Comes in 5 variations, one for each damage type, and a universal one.
  • Shield Resistance Amplifiers
Passive module which increases shield resistances a bit. Comes in 4 variations, one for each damage type.

Compare to shield rigs.


These modules will reduce the velocity of enemy ships and prevent them from warping. See Tackling Guide.

  • Stasis Webifiers
Active module which decreases an enemy ship's velocity.
  • Stasis Grapplers
Active module which greatly decreases an enemy ship's velocity at longer ranges than a webifier, but is less effective as ranges increase. Can only be fit to battleships and larger.
  • Warp Disruptor
Active module which prevents an enemy ship from warping. Has a base range of 20km and a jamming strength of one.
Variation: Heavy Warp Disruptor
Active module which prevents an enemy ship from warping. Has a base range of 22km and a jamming strength of three. Requires much more powergrid and capacitor than the default warp disruptor.
  • Warp Scrambler
Active module which prevents an enemy ship from warping. Has a base range of 7.5km and a jamming strength of two, and turns off enemy's microwarpdrive.
Variation: Heavy Warp scrambler
Active module which prevents an enemy ship from warping. Has a base range of 8.5km and a jamming strength of six. Requires much more powergrid and capacitor than the default warp scrambler.


These modules did not fit into the above categories.

  • Hull Repair Systems
Active module which will repair structure. The cycle time is much slower than shield boosters or armor repairers, and restore less, making them ineffective in combat.
  • Passive Targeting Systems
Active module which allows you to target a ship without them knowing. When combine with ship and cargo scanners, it can help determine the value of a potential gank target or find the fittings of a war target.

See also

Container Ship Slots Free

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